PEPS: The Beacon of British Education in the Sharjah, UAE

Dubai Web Desk

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Providence English Private School (PEPS)

Located in the heart of the UAE, Providence English Private School (PEPS) stands tall as a testament to excellence in education. Licensed in 1991 and fully operational since 1999, PEPS is more than just an educational institution; it’s a nurturing ground for the leaders of tomorrow.


  • Introduction
  • Facilities and Infrastructure
  • Curriculum and Education Philosophy
  • Testimonials and Reviews
  • FAQ Section
  • Conclusion

Facilities and Infrastructure

Providence English Private School (PEPS)
Spanning an impressive 320,000 square feet, the PEPS campus is meticulously designed with two main buildings catering to students from KG1 to Grade 12. Every corner reflects the school’s commitment to excellence, from the fully-equipped science labs and computer rooms to expansive playgrounds and indoor play areas. Notably, state-of-the-art technology ensures a secure and conducive environment, with classrooms fitted with cameras, projectors, and the latest internet facilities.

Curriculum and Education Philosophy

Providence English Private School (PEPS)
PEPS takes pride in implementing the esteemed British Curriculum, complemented by its distinguished accreditations, including CIS membership and status as a certified Cambridge Examination Centre. Beyond academics, the school emphasizes holistic student development. With a team of seasoned educators, PEPS instills values of respect, mutual understanding, and social responsibility, ensuring every graduate is academically proficient and morally upright.

Testimonials and Reviews

The experiences shared by parents like Marwan and Carl Arthur echo the institution’s unparalleled dedication. With praises for the staff, administration, and the clear-cut admission process, it’s evident that PEPS isn’t just a school; it’s a community where every student thrives and grows.

FAQ Section

Why choose PEPS?

With its robust curriculum, world-class facilities, and a vision to nurture innovative global leaders, PEPS is the epitome of excellence in British education.

What grades does PEPS cover?

PEPS offers a comprehensive education system catering to FS 1 to Year 13 students.

What is the annual fee structure?

PEPS charges an annual fee ranging between AED 13,520 to AED 27,800, ensuring top-quality education at a competitive rate.


Providence English Private School (PEPS) is more than just an academic institution; it’s a beacon lighting the path for young minds. PEPS stands out as a leading choice for parents and students alike through its blend of modern facilities, a rigorous curriculum, and a heart for student well-being. Here, every child is nurtured, every potential realized, and every dream within reach.