How much is the bus ticket from Abu Dhabi to Burj Khalifa?

Dubai Web Desk

Abu Dhabi to Burj Khalifa bus timings are 04:32 am to 07:03 am, 05:32 pm to 08:04 pm, 06:02 pm to 08:36 pm, 06:32 pm to 09:07 pm, 07:02 pm to 09:37 pm. Furthermore, Abu Dhabi Airport to Burj Khalifa metro station is within walking distance. Burj Khalifa tickets price by bus is AED 30 TO AED 45. However, the Abu Dhabi to Dubai bus ticket price is AED 25. The Dubai to Burj Khalifa travel distance is 14km. 

How much is a bus from Abu Dhabi to Dubai?

The Abu Dhabi to Dubai bus ticket cost is 25AED. To pay the fare of the bus, use a Nol Card.

How to reach Burj Khalifa by bus?

Burj Khalifa/Dubai Mall Metro Station is the closest metro station to the Burj Khalifa. The distance from the metro station to Burj Khalifa is more than 2.2 kilometres.

How much is the Abu Dhabi E102 bus ticket?

Transportation cost from Abu Dhabi through E102 bus ticket price 25 AED.