Benefits of opting for Dubai Traffic Discount

Dubai Web Desk

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The United Arab Emirates (UAE) offers one of the world’s best road infrastructures, enabling motorists to enjoy a faster and more steady drive. However, the UAE authorities have also imposed specific rules and regulations to ensure that no untoward situation occurs on roads or at least road accidents remain shallow.

Hundreds of motorists are fined for committing an offence across the UAE as part of efforts to ensure compliance with traffic rules, resulting in the most minor casualties.

Also, realizing that penalizing a driver may not be the sole productive practice, offering incentives will likely be equally fruitful. Emirates of Dubai, Abu Dhabi and Sharjah tend to provide discounts for traffic fines. But the ratio of discount rate may vary from Emirate to Emirate as earlier in 2023, Sharjah announced up to 35 per cent discount for motorists on traffic fines if they paid the penalties before. A similar scheme was also offered by Abu Dhabi for traffic fines if paid within two months of committing the offence. Keep reading to learn about Dubai Traffic Fine Discounts.

Likewise, the Dubai Police launched an initiative for traffic-acceptable settlement through which drivers could get up to 100 per cent reduction on the total accumulated traffic fines.

The initiative applied to all private vehicles registered in the Emirate of Dubai on the condition that the driver abided by traffic laws and regulations and didn’t commit any violations for a full calendar year.

The motorists were offered a total discount of 100 per cent if they did not repeat a traffic offence for 12 months. Such discounts of 75 per cent, 50 per cent, and 25 per cent were also announced for abiding by rules consecutively for nine months, six months, and three months, respectively.How to avail Dubai Traffic Fines Discount 2023

Eligibility Criteria for Dubai Traffic Fines Discount 2024

To ensure that you get a discount, you must stand eligible and be aware of the following;

  • Fines before December 31, 2022

If you were fined before the advent of 2023, you may benefit from the discount. However, later than that, it won’t work for you.

  • Discount on selected fines only

Remember that you may apply for the discount only if you commit a minor offence such as over-speeding or wrong parking.

  • Applying for the first time

If you have been fined for the first time and didn’t avail of the discount facility, you can apply for the reduction.How to avail Dubai Traffic Fines Discount 2023

Documents required for Dubai Traffic Fines Discount 2023

The following documents you have to provide while applying for the discount;

  • Emirates ID
  • Vehicle Registration Card
  • Fine Details

How to apply for the Dubai Traffic Fines Discount 2023

  • Visit the Dubai Police’s Official Website
  • Enter Your Details
  • Select Fines to Apply for the Discount
  • Submit your request
  • Confirmation of the approval through an email